Our Recipes
The “Dry” PatScat
Sam had the honour of meeting Particia Scattergood at the Richmond Village Market on Sunday. Patricia (PatScat is her nickname) was telling Sam how she used to drink gin with orange juice back in her day - so Sam decided to try it out! In honour of Pat - we would love to introduce you to The “Dry” PatScat.
50ml Drifters End Pink Gin
200ml Orange Juice (use your favourite type)
1 spring of fresh Mint
1. Add a couple of handfuls of ice into a thin-lipped glass
Drinks always taste bettter from a thin lip.
2. Add 50ml of gin to the glass
3. Add 200ml of orange juice to the glass
4. Gently stir all the ingredients - we used the sprig of mint to stir it up
5. Place a few leaves of mint in the glass
6. Sip away!